The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks

I’m still trying to add some older book jots…here is one from July 2022:

I finished reading The Sword of Shannara (1977) by Terry Brooks a few days ago. This was a chunker of a book…a great big, epic fantasy novel.

Years ago I had read the first chapter or so when I was in junior high but put the book down without getting any further. Recently I was talking to a new neighbor about reading and he mentioned really loving the Shannara books and that the author has written more than 30 novels.

He ended up lending me his copy of the first book and I decided to give it a try again. It’s the first fantasy I’ve read in awhile, and I enjoyed the adventure of it quite a bit. It was fun dipping back into a realm of high fantasy and getting to know a cast of characters. The little bit of it I’d read as a kid was still in my memory and it was just like I recalled…a young man walking home through a woodland valley, the darkness of night drawing down around him. It took me a number of years to find out what happened next.