
Call me Frank.

Perhaps in an effort to open the shutters and welcome in a sweet draft of pleasant air, to cheer up the damp, drizzly November in my soul, to throw some wildflower seeds among the leaf litter, I am building a wee house on this stony shingle. Here you will find a hodgepodge of ephemera, little scraps of the ordinary that catch my attention. More like the nest of a curious magpie than an exhaustive manifesto.

To translate into less purple (and borrowed) prose: I’m trying to make a little website in which I can organize some of my interests and engage in something that stirs a bit of creativity. Some challenges in my life have made it difficult at times to feel like myself, and I want to engage in something that rekindles that connection.


Some navigation tips:

If you encounter a word underlined and in bold anywhere in these pages, it should be a link to another page in this website.

To view more blog entries than shown on the homepage, click on BLOG in the navigation menu or click on older blog posts at the bottom of the homepage. To view complete blog entries, click on the entry’s title.

Here are links to other pages on this website (you can also navigate using the pages listed along the top margin of the screen, if on a PC, or by tapping the little bars in the upper right hand corner, if using a phone):


book jots







reading list


tobacco cards

Thanks so much for checking out this little corner of the internet!